
Built simply with structural steel and industrial components, these portable bandsaw mills are designed to last.

Bandsaw Blades

We stock bandsaw mill blades for all Hud-Son models, both in the standard double hard alloy as well as many options for longer life, hardwoods, etc. If you own a different sawmill and would like a local supplier, we can get the blades you need quickly and at a competitive price.

Firewood Processors

When volume firewood is needed, there is no better tool than a firewood processor. They can load logs, cut rounds to length, split the wood, and then spit out the finished firewood at rates up to 2 cords an hour! Many models built to suit your operation.

Firewood Conveyors

Offered in both belted and chain drive, Hud-Son builds sturdy conveyors at a competitive price.


Turn your tractor into a specialized log skidding machine or do a little winch recovery work on the side. These PTO driven winches are extremely fast and reliable. They are even known to skid logs over 2x the weight of the tractor they are attached to!